Sprengisandur - 7 Days tour

SPrengisandur – 7 Days tour

Sprengisandur – 7 Day Tour


South – North 15.07 – 22.07.2025 – FULLY BOOKED!

North – South 24.07 – 31.07.2025

Sprengisandur – the dream of every horsemen is to ride across the country. Our tour will lead us from South to North of Iceland and the free herd will run with us all the way and give the tour the dynamic and unique feeling. Crossing country on a famous way also known from the song “Á Sprengisandi“.

Ríðum, ríðum og rekum yfir sandinn, rennur sól á bak við Arnarfell, hér á reiki er margur óhreinn andinn, úr því fer að skyggja á jökulsvell.

Start will be in our beautiful village and ride across rivers, mountains also fields and farms.  The strong Icelandic horses will bring us to the interior of Iceland also passing glaciers and a black sand desert in addition crossing Icelandic highlands. Visiting Laugafell with geothermal pool and passing Arnafell knowing for beeing the center of Iceland. Riding way goes between the glaciers Hofsjökull and Vatnsjökull. Continue to Northern Iceland until we reach Steinstaðir – where we rest for our last evenig, our final destination. During the way we will see incredible landscape not often seen elsewhere.

Seven days in the saddle, sleeping in a mountain cabins, eating Icelandic dinners and unforgettable experience. That tour is a real cross country-based riding trip with a free heard of running horses. Due the tour we are going to use trails which are not usually visit by ordinary visitors in Iceland. This excursion is only for experience and very experience riders.

There is going to be around 6 – 9 hours riding a day  and around 30-50 km at day. Pick up at BSI bus station around 8:30am on the first day of our horseback riding tour.

Price: 525.000 ISK

Sleeping bag accommodation.

ImportantDue the poor weather and roads conditions plan and distance of the tour may change.


The tentative itinerary is as follows:

Day 1

08:30 – Pick up at BSI bus station Reykjavik

10:00 -10:30 – Arrive at start location where we have a coffee and horses are selected based on individual riders experience

11:30 – Start our tour by riding up to our little village, we pass some farms and fields, across the river Sandá. We take a look on Stöng and Gjáin paradise area one of icelandic pearls of nature. 

18:00 -19:00 – Coming to Hólaskógur house and traditional Icelandic dinner

Distance 7 hours (38km)

dAY 2

08:30 – Breakfast

10:30 – Today we start by riding up into the highlands and enjoy its beautiful scenery. We break at a nice stop Hald by þjórsá river. After that overnight stay that night at Hólaskogur mountain cabin and our horses will be at Þóristungur close to Hrauneyafoss.

19:00 – Arrive at Hólaskógur cottage and traditional Icelandic dinner

The ride is about 5,5 hours and 26km with breaks for riders and horses.

Day 3

08:00 – Breakfast

10:30 – Beginning of the day will be at Þóristungur  Hrauneyjarfoss Falls and ride all the way to Versalir. On this route, we see many mountains and the glaciers Vatnajökull and Hofsjökull. This time we spend the night in a large and comfortable mountain hut.

18:00 – Coming to Versalir accommodation and relax 

19:00 – Traditional dinner

Distance 55km, with breaks for riders and horses. Long riding day, up to 9 hours.

DAy 4

08:00 – Breakfast

10:30 – This will be the longest day on our adventure riding up North. Horseback ride over a desert and at some point already between the glaciers Höfsjökull and Vatnsjökull. Also see Arnarfell mountain by the glacier, it is known to be the center of Iceland. At this point, we enter Sprengisandur. Now we will enter Sprengisandur and feel it spirits but also follow the ways of old outlaws.

18:00 – 20:00 – Arrive to Nýidalur, a nice mountain cabin and dinner

Long riding day 60km – may get more than 9 hours

Day 5

08:30 – Breakfast

10:30 – Our day starts with big sand dunes and we will get to see some amazing landscapes of North and we leave pass the biggest glaciers in Iceland. After that all of us spend the night in the Laugafell mountain hut where we can besides also bath in a hot spring.

Big herd of freely running horses will let you remember that day.

18:00 – 19:00 – Ending the day at Laugafell and traditional dinner

Distance 45km – 8 hours

Day 6

08:30 – Breakfast

11:00 – Continue our ride to North and all the way to Skagafjörður. Amazing Icelandic horses will bring us deep into the valleys and then we end our ride at Þórljótsstaðir.

17:00 – Location Þórljótsstaðir and we stay at old farmhouse.

18:30 – Dinner

 About 30km – 6 hours


 Day 7

08:30 – Breakfast

10:30 – This will be the last riding day for us. Trial will be close to the glacier river Jökulsá, down Vesturdalur valley.  We will end our jurney at Steinsstaðir where we can rest and spend our last evening together. 

18:00 – Arrive to Steinsstaðir.

19:00 – Dinner

Long riding day 35km

Day 8

08:00 – Breakfast and say goodbye

09:00 – Bus transfer to BSI bus station Reykjavik

Our tour North – South itineraty is the oposite, starting with and afternoon drive to North in a bus, welcome dinner and overnight stay at Steinsstaðir. 

13:00 – Pick up at BSI Bus Station Reykjavik