Sprengisandur - 7 Days tour

Fjallabak – Landmannalaugar – 7 Days tour

Fjallabak – Landmannalaugar – 7 Days Tour “Behind the mountains”



06.08 – 12.08.2025

Let us introduce you to one of the best riding trails and many pearls of Iceland on Fjallabak way. Riding tour goes towards the fascinating area of the colored landscape, river, lakes, deserts, forests, fields, lava, by glaciers also volcanoes and hot springs. This is the most of all you can experience from the saddle, you will try very different riding roads and patches. Our free herd will run with us all the way and give the tour the dynamic and unique feeling. 

Seven days in the saddle, sleeping in a mountain cabins, Icelandic dinners and unforgettable experience. The tour is a real cross country based riding trip with a free heard of running horses. What make the tour unique is that we use the trails which are not usually visit by ordinary visitors in Iceland.

There is going to be around 6 – 7 hours riding at day (around 30-40 km at day). Pick up at BSI bus station Reykjavik around 8:30am on the first day tour the riding tour and drop of around 7-8pm to BSI on the last evening.

Sleeping bag accommodation.

Price 519.000 ISK

ImportantDue the poor weather conditions plan and distance of the tour may change.

The tentative itinerary is as follows:

Day 1

Start our riding at Hólaskógur,  we will go over Þjórsá river and to Hald old fence. Today we will see a very changing landscape from ash and lava fields, rocks and beautiful green fields, lakes and mountains.  As we will take the old riding way to Landmannahellir cabin and coming down the mountain it will be definitely a top point of your day.  It will be an intensive ride. In other words you can feel the very happy horses tölt steps. 

Around 30km – 6 hours ride.

Day 2

Today we will ride from Landmannahellir to Landmannalaugar, through the valley Domadalur also passing Frostastadarvatn lake. We will take a ride up to Ljótipotlur “Uglu pound” volcanic crater.

The land is mountainous, sculptured by volcanoes and geothermal activity, covered by lavas, sands, rivers and lakes. Arriving at Landmannalaugar known for its natural geothermal hot springs and surrounding landscape where you can use some hot springs or just walk around. Stay for the night is at Landmannahellir cabin and enjoy the wonderful area. 

Distance around 20km – more than 4 hours ride.

Day 3

To begin with we leave Landmannalaugar and continue riding Fjallabak way “Behind the mountains” close to Eldgjá volcanic fissure that stretches from Mýrdalsjökull almost to Vatnajökull. It was formed in the year 939 during one of the largest volcanic eruptions in Iceland in historical times and it is the largest eruptive crater on the earth. We are riding for a part of the way in Vatnajökull National Park. Big view today both on glaciers, lowlands and geothermal and colorful mountains. In good weather we can see as far as Westman Island. Arrive to Hólaskjól cabin, accommodation at the boundaries of Vatnajökull glacier National Park Lamskarðshólar. It is a peaceful and beautiful place with just a 5 minute walk up the lava field and to an unnamed waterfall in Syðri-Ófæra. 

Distance around 37km – 7 hours ride.

Day 4

That will be a long and very exciting riding day. 

Passing Bláfjöll mountains, crossing big rivers and ride on a desert. We will get very close to Mýrdalsjökull the home of the huge sub-glacial and much feared volcano Katla.

That day you will definetly remember for long time as we will be riding along the famous Mælifellsandur. That long black sand desert will be our view for a big part of the day and we can enjoy the glacier view. Mt. Mælifell in the central highlands is 791 meter high, lonely mountain is located close to the southern Fjallabak road.

We end the riding day with crossing Kaldaklofskvísl river and viewing far to Þórsmörk. Arrive at Hvangill cabin where we stay for the night. 

Distance around 43km – 7-8 hours ride.

Day 5

Leave Hvangíll and ride up to a view on Tindfjallajökull and popular hiking patch Laugavegurinn. Amazing, changing views and riding up and down green hills and mountains. We pass Álfavatn – Swan Lake and  South Fjallabak Syðri way, pass Laufafell mountain 1264m. Up to Dalakofann cabin. Dalakofinn hut is conveniently situated in the highlands, close to the Torfajökull glacier area. From the hut a variety of long or short hikes can be taken, f.ex. to have a look at a geothermal area and hot springs – Reykjadalir.

Distance around – 6 hours ride.

Day 6

Today we will leave Dalakofinn and take a highland road to Hrafntinnusker, riding close to that amazing black, shiny and highest peak of the area. Visit amazing Reykjadalir with a lots of geothermal energy. Beautiful colours around and steam coming up from the ground will be definitely a high point of your day. After that we continue our ride on patches and roads from mixed lava, soft sand hill up and down to Áfangagil valley where farmers get together in September for the ,,rettir” and select their sheep and stay for the night at Hólaskógur cabin.

Distance around 40km – up to 7 hours ride.

Day 7

We will start our ride from Hólaskógur mountain cabin that day. Passing Stöng and one of the largest Icelandic forests – Þjórsadalskógur. We will come down the village and back to the civilisation. 

Distance around 40km – 7 hours ride